The Holy Trinity Early Childhood Center has been in operation since 1971. Teachers who are experienced in dealing with young children, and understand how children learn, work to ensure that children become self-reliant, socially confident, and Kindergarten ready.
Holy Trinity is a Christian school which provides a loving and caring atmosphere with a staff sensitive to the needs of every child in our program. Children learn more in their first four years than at any other time in their lives. Our primary goal is to expose the children to a variety of school related activities and experiences in order to prepare them for their years of formal schooling.
Our staff involves itself at both ends of the educational spectrum, keeping abreast of developments in the early childhood spheres, as well as, expectations at the Kindergarten and primary school levels. Our teachers and assistant teachers work hand-in-hand with parents to guide and help each child's individual progress.
Portfolio assessment and parent teacher conferences are used to monitor individual development.